Personal finances can feel like a hostile wilderness, full of dangers, exposure to the elements, lack of control, and the risk of getting lost. But at The Yukon Project, we see the financial wilderness as a place with wide vistas, the chance to live your best life, and the opportunity to succeed in getting stronger. 

Managing our personal finances shouldn’t be a chore. It should be a chance to live out our values and our goals. Money isn’t just an object. It’s the means through which we can live our best lives.

But that means doing more with what we have, successfully managing challenges that will come at us, and finding the best path up the mountain. We believe in more than just surviving. We believe in thriving.

That is what The Yukon Project is all about.

And we know a thing or two about it. Our team members have spent a lot of time traversing the financial wilderness. They have seen the dangers, but also the best views, and the shortest paths.

  • 10,000,000 +
    • Our team members have analyzed millions of credit files. 
  • They have worked for lenders, non-profits, utilities, retailers, and other financial services companies. 
  • They’ve worked with and spoken to thousands of customers. 
  • They’ve poured through the data and analyzed Americans’ financial lives.

We bring that inside information to you.